Microsoft 365 in New York City

Easily collaborate and communicate with your entire organization using the cloud

With more than 258 million users, Microsoft 365 has surpassed other cloud services to be the most widely used. It is easy to use, especially for those that have experience with the traditional Office suite, which is one of the driving factors for business adoption.

A common complaint we hear from new prospects is that they don’t know how to use most of the ever growing functionality included in Microsoft 365, especially Teams. Krantz Secure Technologies will utilize these awesome tools to help enhance your organization, communication and collaboration.

Microsoft Office 365 - Krantz Secure Technologies in NYC

Ready to Make the Move to Microsoft 365?

Let’s Talk!

Get Maximum Productivity and Collaboration with Microsoft 365

The Microsoft 365 Business Premium license includes robust, state-of-the-art granular security features. We have invested extensive time and effort to leverage these capabilities to provide our clients with significant incremental layers of security. If your organization is not using these capabilities, you should find out why not ASAP. Here’s what Microsoft 365 can do for your business:

Seamless Collaboration with Microsoft 365

Seamless Collaboration

Get real-time access to shared documents for more productivity and oversight
Secure Email Access with Office 365

Secure Email Access

Keep your emails safe and secure in Microsoft’s secure data centers
Organized Communication with the Microsoft Suite

Organized Communication

Access the full suite online with communications, document storage and other productivity apps provided in a centralized network
Flexible Solutions with the Microsoft 365 platform

Flexible Solutions

Choose which services you want to buy and easily scale them to meet your growing needs
Simplified Systems

Simplified Systems

Use the cloud to make Microsoft Office 365 easy to maintain and use as the physical servers are hosted by Microsoft
Increased productivity with Microsoft 365

Increased Productivity

See less downtime, faster response times and improved operational efficiencies.
Man working remotely

Is your organization prepared to work remotely if need be?

Download our ebook on the security best practices for working remotely in 2021.


Why You Should Choose Krantz Secure Technologies to Help You Migrate to Microsoft 365


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